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  • Fees for the collection of heavy trash, brush and the pick up of mattresses and box springs are hereby affixed and established by the Common Council according to the following guidelines:
    (A) Heavy trash.
    (1) Minimum charge is $25. The Director of the Department of Public Works has the authority to increase the charge based on what has been placed out for pick up. The amount of time to pick up, quantity of trash, and the weight of the trash placed out for disposal are factors in determining the appropriate charge.
    (2) Maximum charge is $500. The Director of the Department of Public Works shall not exceed this amount for the charge to remove heavy trash.
    (3) The resident or property owner shall agree to the pre-set amount prior to any heavy trash being removed.
    (4) Upon agreement of the set price, the heavy trash will be removed and the service charge will be placed on the next available Beech Grove Sewage Works’ bill.
    (5) The date and time of heavy trash pick up will be at the convenience of the Department of Public Works.
    (6) The Director of the Department of Public Works has the authority to refuse to pick up heavy trash based on health, environmental or other conditions presented.
    (B) Brush.
    (1) Minimum charge is $25. The Director of the Department of Public Works has the authority to increase that charge based on the amount of brush placed out for disposal. The amount of time to either chip or remove, including using a pay loader, all factors in on the charge.
    (2) Maximum charge is $800. The Director of the Department of Public Works shall not exceed this amount for the charge to remove brush.
    (3) The resident or property owner shall agree to the pre-set amount prior to any brush being removed.
    (4) Upon agreement the brush will be removed and the agreed set price agreed to will be placed on the next available Beech Grove Sewage Works’ bill.
    (5) The date and time for brush removal will be at the convenience of the Department of Public Works.
    (6) The Director of the Department of Public Works has the discretion to waive any and all fees for the removal of brush due to storms, accidents, or any other acts of nature.
    (7) The Director of the Department of Public Works has the discretion to not to pick up brush, based on the conditions presented at the time of inspection.
    (C) Mattresses and box springs.
    (1) Minimum charge is $20 per box spring and mattress. The Director of the Department of Public Works has the authority to set the schedule and times when mattresses and box springs will be picked up.
    (2) The Director of the Department of Public Works shall schedule and provide an outside trash service the addresses for the mattresses and box springs that have been placed for trash pick up. Employees of the Department of Public Works shall not handle any mattresses or box springs.
    (3) The Director of the Department of Public Works shall provide billing information to the Sewage Works Clerk so charges for mattresses and box springs that have been discarded can be placed on the earliest available Beech Grove Sewage Works bill for residences who have utilized the pick up of their mattresses and box springs.
    (Ord. 23, 2014, passed 12-1-14; Am. Ord. 27, 2016, 1-3-17)